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Richard Hardin Sr. & RJ

Richard Sr. - A calm, pleasant, helpful, and hardworking individual who has a continuous passion for food and who enjoys cooking mouthwatering dishes. Inspired originally by the culinary workings of his mother, Juliahna, and then focused and reinforced by his father Ollie, Richard gets a real kick out of working in his home kitchen. He takes great pleasure in seeing happy faces enjoying a good meal that has been prepared. Not more so than the face of his son Richard Jr. (RJ) whose fun-loving spirit and enjoyment of food equals that of his father’s passion for food. As a natural leader Richard Sr. is not only able to give orders and delegate tasks but is also able to reliably and consistently carry out orders as well. Not to be outdone RJ in his own right, with his imagination, inspires Richard Sr. with his own tastes and ultimately creative spin on the food he prepares. As an amateur cook, Richard Sr. continues to prove himself by making great food that continues to entice friends and family, leaving them wanting more. He loves the freedom of expression that cooking allows him as he navigates the culinary world. He invites you to enter his kitchen with his first love, RJ, and his right hand in the kitchen and his second love, food.

RJ - My favorite part of cooking is the time I get to spend with my dad. Some of my favorite dishes are cheesecake, chicken nuggets, and eggs. I like cooking because I have always wanted to learn how to cook myself. My dad inspired me to start cooking because I wanted to make food myself. My favorite spice is called honey powder, the first time I tasted it thought it was really good. From then on I’ve been using it on such things as waffles, pancakes, and so on.